OSIPE - Observatoire du Suivi et de l'Insertion Professionnelle des Étudiants - is a department of the SCUIO-IP which conducts a wide range of surveys and analyses. Its role is to provide useful information for student career guidance. OSIPE also provides information for the university, teachers and the general public.
3 main themes:
- Characterize students enrolled at the University
- Identifyingstudy paths
- Analyze theprofessional future of graduates
What information can I find on the Observatory website?
> Profiles to help you understand who our students are and how they engage with their studies. Information on Bachelor's degree success . An analysis of the DAEU-B.
>> Presentations on courses taken by previous graduates: type of degree, specialization, level, location...
>>> A precise description of the jobs held by graduates and their assessments. Names of employers by region. Main indicators of professional integration by degree.
select a level of study :
FIRST YEAR AT UNIVERSITY : Find out about new entrants to Licence, PASS, BUT, PEIP: success in 1st year of training, further studies, motivations and difficulties encountered. An analysis of the situation of DAEU-B registrants.
BUT : Find out who is enrolled in BUT, the success of 1st year students and what happens to graduates.
LICENCE GÉNÉRALE: Find out what students are doing after obtaining a Licence Générale, at the UM or elsewhere in France. Find out about the jobs of students who have interrupted their studies.
LICENCE PROFESSIONNELLE:Find out what happens to graduates: jobs held, employers and further studies after each Licence pro degree. Focus on apprenticeships and continuing education.
MASTER: Find out what happens to graduates: jobs held, employers and further studies after each Master's degree. Focus on apprenticeships and continuing education.
INGÉNIEUR: Discover the job statistics of POLYTECH - Ingénieurs and the École Nationale Supérieure de Chimie de Montpellier - ENSCM
DOCTORATE: Find out what happens to PhD graduates: jobs held, employers of graduates by doctoral school. Professional integration 3 and 5 years after the thesis.