The future of Master's graduates and engineers

A 95% professional integration rate for our Master's graduates.

High-quality jobs, in line with the training provided, at regional, national and international level, filled by graduates, over 70% of whom respond to the surveys carried out by OSIPE each year 30 months after graduation.

For each master

Discover 20 statistical indicators as well as details of jobs, employers and types of further study.

Select faculty, institute or school:

The MonMaster registration platform displays two "salaried employment rates in France" for each course at 6 and 18 months. These rates exclude graduates who are self-employed, company directors, craftsmen or working abroad, and therefore do not reflect the reality of the Master's professional integration. As a result, some courses do not show any rate of salaried employment in France, as the statistical reliability threshold is not guaranteed. 

On this OSIPE website, you'll findperfectly reliable information onall graduates who have entered the job market directly.

Find out more with the methodological note produced by the Résosup network of higher education observatories.


Access general statistical indicators:

After a Master's degree at UM

After an initial training Master's degree

After an apprenticeship Master's degree

After a Master's degree in continuing education

Find out what positions graduates have held in line with their training:

Discover target jobs by training

Attractiveness of MASTERS

Theattractiveness of Masters programs provides information on student mobility and the origin of graduates enrolled in 1st year Masters programs, by pathway.