The Observatory's professional networks

National networks

Ministry of Higher Education and Research

The March 2018 Law on Student Orientation and Success and the July 22, 2013 Law on Higher Education and Research require institutions to publish statistics on student success and graduate integration.

To meet these objectives, the French Ministry of Higher Education, Research and Innovation has been collecting data on the professional integration of university graduates since 2009.

Data collection is carried out by the universities in accordance with a charter designed to guarantee the production of high-quality, anonymous and reliable data by major field of study.

>Accessthe Ministry website

The National Network of Higher Education Observatories

Created in 2006, this associative structure supports local observatories in terms of pathway and integration observation methods. It fosters exchanges and the sharing of experiences between observatory professionals, enabling each to develop its own practices.

The observatory network takes part in working groups organized by the Ministry to set up and run surveys.

>Accessthe Résosup website

>Websites of French university observatories

National Observatory of Student Life

The national OVE was created in 1989 by the French Minister of Education. Its mission is to provide information that is as complete, detailed and objective as possible on students' living conditions and their relationship with their studies, so as to inform political and social reflection and help decision-making.

The CVO works to gather and synthesize available information; it pilots and evaluates surveys, and carries out its own studies and research; it maintains relations with all bodies that produce or collect information and knowledge on student life.

>Accessthe OVE website

regional networks

The Occitanie network of higher education observatories

The observatories of the Occitanie region's universities pool their working practices and offer a regional perspective on specific themes, such as professional integration.

>Discoverthe Occitanie network and its publications

The UM Observatory of Pedagogical Transformation

A new structure created in 2019 within the University of Montpellier aims to support and evaluate pedagogical transformation.

The OTP is part of a series of initiatives launched at the UM to bring about a pedagogical transformation that will promote student success, particularly at undergraduate level.

We also collaborate with the Centre de Soutien à l'Innovation Pédagogique, the Bureau d'accompagnement à la pédagogie numérique and the Service de la formation initiale et continue des enseignants et enseignants-chercheurs.

>Accessthe OTP website